What Online Business Tool Am I?

Used correctly this tool can turn your business around.

Can you guess what is it?

How would you like to obtain the following?

  • information that is useful (but not limited) to any of the following roles:
    • Entrepreneur
    • Small Business Owner
    • Online Marketer
    • Marketing Agency
    • Coach
    • Business Professional
    • Network Marketer
    • Marketing Manager
    • Web Designer
    • Author
    • Affiliate Marketer
    • Tech Expert
    • Person Reinventing Their Career
    • Marketing Consultant
    • Digital Marketing Expert
    • Workshop Facilitator
    • E-Commerce Store Owner
    • Info Product Owner
    • Brick and Motor Business Owner
    • Local Business Owner
    • Growth Hacker

The information I am talking about would:

  • help you sell more of what you are already selling (if you are a current business owner)
  • help you impact people around the world with the product and services that you sell or increase the profits on products you are promoting or planning to sells
  • help you bridge the gap from where you are today to where you want to be tomorrow
  • teach you what every business needs to increase sales
  • educate you on whether websites are the best place to direct prospective buyers to your products or in general, to make money
  • show you the best method to get information about your products or affiliate products you want to promote online

Wouldn’t it be great to no longer have to pay for:  a copy writer, a designer, a web designer, a programmer, or an analytics expert to get an online presence?

Wouldn’t it be great to finally find out how your competition is doing way better than you and see exactly what he is doing to beat you?

Once you find out what your competition is doing, how would you like to learn three secret methods to ethically copy your competitor’s business?

Sound Interesting?

Click on the link to Join a FREE Web Class where all of the above topics will be discussed.

I am not sure how long I can run this Web Class, so don’t delay if you want to see this industry-wide essential information!

What Tool Am I?

You haven’t figured out what tool used correctly can turn your business around, then click on the button below to see the answer.

Will you be surprised?

FREE Funnel Building Software?

Searching for the Perfect Suite of Tools

With the unexpected pandemic of 2020 and on, what has become a certainty is that if any business wants to survive such an unpredicted circumstance now and in the future, they will require an online presence.

Unfortunately, with so many things going on around the world, and global changes that will forever impact the way people live and do business, going online is no longer just an option, it is a requirement.

Not only to maintain their success, but just to survive.

Sure, there are tools that are available today that any business can use to run their entire company and processes digitally.

However, with very little research you can find that most of these products are expensive, complicated and limited in customization.

In other words, not very user-friendly, definitely not suitable for all business owners, and especially those who are less tech-savvy and might even be on a budget.

I mean, who can afford to invest thousands of dollars a month into a bunch of complicated tools, and on top of that, hire employees to manage the systems.

Well, if this sounds familiar in any way, I have some good news for you.

As an online marketer and blogger, I am always looking for new solutions for these everyday challenges we face as business owners.

Today, I am very excited to introduce you to my latest discovery.

Groove Funnels

GrooveFunnels is, by far, the best way I have found to be able to build websites, sales funnels and sell digital products online.

The best part? It’s FREE.

But the free value does not end there…

You see, GrooveFunnels is not just a website and sales funnel builder.

The co-founder of GrooveFunnels, Mike Filsaime, is actually a veteran in the Internet marketing space, and has put all his experience and expertise into one of the best suites of marketing tools I have ever seen.

I’ve also signed myself up for an account (it’s free), and for the past few days, I’ve had the chance to play around with it.

And you know what?

I can definitely tell you that this 100% free tool is perfectly capable of running your entire business, maybe even better than some of the expensive complicated tools out there.

I’m not exaggerating by any means…

From what I’ve seen so far, GrooveFunnels includes everything that I need to run my online business, all for absolutely free.

Groove Free Components

Here’s just a quick list of what I’ve gathered so far:

• FREE sales, page and funnel building platform
• Ability to create full product funnels
• Possible to build my own branded websites with full navigation
• Can integrate with my own custom domain name
• Able to sell my products with what they call a 1-click upsell
• Capability to integrate upsells, down sells, and order bumps
• Even has a way to create my own powerful affiliate program for my products!

And that’s just for starters, because there is so much more for me to explore!
I’m not even joking when I say that I am planning to change my ENTIRE online business over to GrooveFunnels!

It’s FREE, and it’s possibly the BEST suite of marketing tools I have ever seen in my life.

By the way, there’s more…

I didn’t even mention some of my favorite benefits of GrooveFunnels.

As a member, I’ve also received a TON of community benefits, I’ve been able to join their private Facebook group, connect with marketing experts inside, get help with all my problems, access private training within their own academy, ask questions through their helpdesk, and meet other like-minded entrepreneurs just like me to make the best use of these tools.

So, if you’re like me… Striving to grow your business, looking to learn more about marketing, and getting to know some of the best in the industry at a more personal level, then you won’t want to miss out on this opportunity.

Sounds great, right?

But you might be asking… what’s the catch?

The catch is that GrooveFunnels is free, but for a limited time only.


GrooveFunnels is in its pre-launch phase, which means that many of the products have still yet to fully launch.

When they do, and as the products continue to get upgraded, GrooveFunnels may no longer be free anymore.

This means that now is the time to sign up for your free account, which would also qualify you for the additional software upgrades that they make as time goes on.

Awesome deal, right?

It’s called being at the right place, at the right time.

And that’s where we’re at right now 🙂

Don’t wait any longer, because I’m honestly not sure when this free offer is going to go away.

Do yourself a favor and sign up for your free GrooveFunnels account right now, and I will see you inside of the Facebook group.

7 Steps to a Focused Email Opt-in Page

Step #1: Determine Your Potential Customer

This first step is the most critical.  You don’t want to plow ahead creating your page without a clear understanding of exactly the type of person you want on your email list and to be your potential customer (sometimes called a prospect or an avatar).

Without a concise understanding of who you want as your customer, you can’t create a message that will resonate strong enough to spark their interest and gain their trust.

Don’t target individuals that are looking to “Get Rich Quickly”, but instead, focus on individuals who are willing to work at their business and put in the effort into achieving success.

Take your time and determine who you really want on your list in terms of your ultimate goal (which should be converting enough of your prospects into customers or clients).

Once you have defined your potential customer, then you will know how to communicate with them through your opt-in copy and future emails.

Step #2:  Your Opt-in Page Goal

Your opt-in (sometimes called a squeeze page or landing page) page has one goal:  get your prospects email address. 

Every element and generated copy (the words or text) on your opt-in page should support this single goal.  If it doesn’t, remove it!  Remove things like:

  • your typical sidebar
  • any banner ads or affiliate links
  • any images that are stock or distract a prospect from giving you their email address
  • any links in your copy that will take prospects off your page without obtaining their email address
    • Depending on you traffic source, you may be required to add such as Terms of Service, Privacy, etc.  If you must include these links, then set them to open them in a new browser window so the opt-in page is still visible and easily accessible.
    • if your page does not require Terms of Service, Privacy, … due to your traffic source, then leave them off.

You want nothing to distract your prospects from clicking the button or completing the opt-in section of your page and obtaining their email address. 

Step #3:   The Essential Opt-in Page Elements

There are certain elements that an opt-in page must contain.  There are 4 required elements and one optional. They are:

  1. The headline:  The headline’s job is to grab the reader’s attention and keep them interested in the page or article that you are trying to highlight.  A great headline will keep your prospect on your opt-in page allowing them to absorb the rest of the elements on your page.
  2. The benefits:  You need to persuade your prospect that they need what you are offering by teasing them the benefits of your product, usually done through targeted bullet points.
  3. The call to action:  Some prospects require that you hold their hand held every step of the way.  To include these prospects in your targeting, you must explicitly tell them to enter their email address and press the appropriate button.
  4. The opt-in section:  This is the section of your opt-in page where the prospect enters their email address.
    • Sometimes this information may be included in a pop up
    • Your opt-in form and button, should be visible above the fold (visible when your browser opens the page and you shouldn’t have to scroll to see it).
  5. Proof (optional):  Whether or not you need to add proof on your email opt-in page depends on a number of criteria, including the strength of your brand and the source of your traffic.  There are a number of ways to address proof and they are not limited to:  your number of subscribers, subscriber testimonials, reviews, or media mentions.

Don’t forget to reassure people that you respect their privacy.

Step #4:  Your Incentive

It is always a smart tactic to offer an up-front incentive, or “ethical bribe” to convince people to sign up for your list.

This could be any of the following free electronic deliverable items:  a report, an eBook, an audio lesson, an educational video, access to a membership site, training webinar, …

You usually deliver your free electronic incentive via a follow-up email to your new subscriber. 

This way the prospect must give you a valid email address to receive their freebie. 

Some people may supply you with a bogus email address in an attempt to receive the incentive, but not any other emails.

They are betting that you will deliver your electronic incentive by another method, like a download off a web page, or a link from a thank-you page.

However, this method is not as fool-proof as it sounds for retaining a real email address. 

One method of failure for collecting a real email address could be:  after receiving their email with the link to retrieve your incentive, the prospect can immediately unsubscribe from your email list.

A better approach is to create your incentive so that it focuses on keeping your prospect staying subscribed.

There is also the option of releasing your report over time as a series of emails in an automated email sequence.

You can break the video or audio into parts, and always entice subscribers with “what’s coming next”.

The key is to over-deliver on your promises, incentive, or content to your prospects and they’ll happily stay with you longer.

Step #5: Length of Your Copy

I am often asked “How long should my copy be?” My typical answer is “As long as it needs to be to cover what you feel is required”, and no longer.

Get rid of the fluff and keep to the details.

In the case of an opt-in page, the essentials have to be there – headline, benefits, and call to action.

If you find that your page does not get a good opt-in rate, you may have to “tweak” your copy for the essentials, mainly:  the headline, the benefits, and the call to action.  This will probably require some split testing.

Step #6: The Perfect Amount of Form Data

The less form data you ask for on your email opt-in page, the more people will sign up.

If you want the highest rate for your opt-ins, ask for the email address only.  Obviously, the more information you require your prospect to enter, the opt-in rate drops off very quickly.

If your objective of your opt-in page is to obtain other lead information like a mailing address and phone number, along with their email address, then there is no reason why you can’t request them right on the opt-in page.  However, keep in mind prospects do not like giving away a lot of their personal information at the same time, especially if they don’t know you, and you may turn off a lot of people from opting into your page.

In this situation if the amount of time required to obtain a lead is not critical, it may be best to get the prospect on your list first with a simple email address.  Through follow-up value-based emails, you can build trust with your new subscriber and then ask for more information on future surveys, contests or additional giveaways.

The more value you give to a subscriber, the more trust you build, and the more recognition of your name or brand will be solidify in their mind. 

Once brand or name recognition has happened, communication and exchanging of information with your prospects becomes easier.

Step #7: The Combination of Elements That Work the Best

Everything above represents tried-and-tested wisdom for email opt-in pages.  But you are probably asking what combination of elements work the best for my brand, product or niche?

But when it comes down to what specifically works for you and your brand, product or niche, only your split-testing will tell the whole truth.

Changes to headlines, copy, benefits, call-to-action copy, button colors, button size, background vs no background, page font colors, font sizes, etc. and sometimes tiny tweaks all may make a big difference when it comes to your opt-in rate.

Remember, don’t forget about defining your potential customer (prospect) from step 1. 

Manipulating the elements of your opt-in page to get the positively best opt-in rate should not be a surprise nor unexpected. However, if your final goal is to make a future sale, then you have to be sure you are attracting the right prospects from your optimized opt-in page. In other words, the opt-in page should match the niche of the products you are trying to sell or market.

Good Bye 2020

CLICK ON THE IMAGE ABOVE ….. (If Video is Not Auto-playing)

Good Bye and Good Riddance 2020 !!!!!

2020 has been a horrible year with the introduction of Covid-19 into our biosphere. Some of the negative memories of this deadly disease are:

  • the global pandemic
  • 1,786,154 Million deaths worldwide (12/31/20) *
  • 81,549,063 million confirmed cases worldwide (12/31/20)*
  • America’s having 35,393,388 million of these confirmed cases (12/31/20)*
  • quarantines
  • no toilet paper
  • limited cleaning solutions
  • mandatory stay at home orders
  • self isolation
  • closed boarders
  • social distancing
  • washing hands very often
  • wearing masks
  • wearing rubber gloves
  • increased unemployment
  • working from home
  • video conferencing
  • the big weight gain
  • lack of guidance from the USA white house
  • the (thankfully) failed attempt at insurrection of our government by words of encouragement from a delusional president

2021 will hopefully be better with:

  • distribution of vaccine(s)
  • decrease of Covid-19 related deaths
  • decrease of Covid-19 confirmed cases
  • exercise and diets
  • reduction of unemployment
  • noneed for further stimulus checks
  • guidance from the US white house
  • elimination or reduction of social distancing, masks, excessive washing of hands, rubber gloves
  • budget balancing

Some Situations that required some marketing pivots:

  • No oversees products available
  • Online Shopping
  • Online Order and Curbside Pick-up
  • Outdoor Dining
  • Limited Indoor Seating Dining
  • Starting an Online Business

We say goodbye to 2020 and are optimistic for 2021

*World Health Organization on Chronavirus Disease (Covid-19) website: https://covid19.who.int/

ClickBank’s Suppression List

What is a Suppression List?

A suppression list is a list of email addresses or URL’s that can be used by email senders to provide an opt-out mechanism for email recipients.  The email recipients can unsubscribe their email address, or mark an email as spam.  The intent is to block the transmission of future email messages from the unwanted email sender.

ClickBank’s Suppression List

Have you seen the following while logging into ClickBank?

Figure 1 – ClickBank Suppression List Message

I guess I have not logged into ClickBank, CB, in a while.   I was looking for some niche appropriate affiliate offers to promote to my email list.  But, when I logged into CB, I got the ATTENTION … message (see Figure 1) in a light red window that sounded rather ominous.

So, I did a little internet searching and deciphered the message into some better understood English.  Basically, I interpret the message as follows:  CB has a list of “companies / URL’s” that do not ever want to receive an email about any CB product.  If you inadvertently send an unsolicited email (spam) to anyone on this, over 3,300 entry, suppression list, it would not be good and you could bring trouble to CB, who in turn could reciprocate that trouble to you.

So, this might seem like bad news and an impossible task to handle, but luckily if you have Aweber or Get Response for sending your emails, then you can fairly easily import the suppression list that CB provides into your account and broadcast emails will not be sent to anyone on the CB Suppression List.

To start, you are going to want to download the suppression list by clicking on the Download Suppression List button, storing that list in an easily accessible area on your computer, then clicking on Accept.


The following is the entire expanded ATTENTION message from ClickBank (as of 12/16/20):


Important! To comply with an order issued by the U.S. District Court for the District of Utah, if you send unsolicited email marketing campaigns promoting products sold through ClickBank, you must not send unsolicited marketing emails to the domains owned and/or operated by XMission LC listed on the linked suppression list. Sending unsolicited marketing emails to the domains on the linked suppression list may be considered a violation of the CAN-SPAM Act and, therefore, a breach of your obligations under Section 6 of the Client Contract, and could expose you or ClickBank to court action, including potential monetary penalties, and immediate termination of your ClickBank account. This requirement does not prohibit you from responding to potential customer inquiries, sending order confirmations or tracking information or responding to customer service requests.

Additionally, the linked suppression list is “Confidential Information” under Section 9 of the ClickBank Client Contract. You shall not disclose or use the linked suppression list except as necessary to comply with the court order and ensure that the domains on the list are scrubbed from your email campaigns. Any use or disclosure of the attached suppression list beyond this limited scope is a breach of your Client Contract. Additionally, XMission is a third-party beneficiary of the designation of the suppression list as Confidential Information under the Client Contract, and you acknowledge and agree that XMission may enforce your failure to maintain its confidentiality, including the right to seek injunctive relief under Section 19.h. of the Client Contract.

According to Aweber, an unsolicited email is an email that you send, generally an ad of some sort, to someone who has not requested to receive such emails from you, sometimes called SPAM.

How to Obtain the Suppression List from ClickBank

The suppression list is proprietary CB information that can be downloaded from CB when the ATTENTION CLICKBANK VENDORS AND AFFILIATES red box message is visible when you log into your CB account.  once you download the file and click on ACCEPT, the option to download the file will not be visible again (red box) until another update is made to that file by CB.

If figure 1 is no longer visible, because you have downloaded the file and clicked on accept, but don’t remember where you stored the file, then you are probably going to have to contact ClickBank support and have them give you acccess to the file again

How Do I Know That I Have the Most Up-To-Date Suppression List?

Since the suppression list is CB Confidential Information, it is not readily visible on CB’s site.  However, the list that you downloaded from your CB account is the most up to date.  Once you download the list and then press accept in that red box, the message will go away. It should only come back if there is an update.  I can find no mention of this file nor suppression list anywhere in the CB help.  So, if you forget where you have downloaded the file you will probably be required to request that file from CB Support.

How to Import the ClickBank Suppression List into Aweber

  1. Edit the Suppression List from CB
  2. Copy all the URL’s to the clipboard
  3. In Aweber click on Subscribers then select Subscribers
  1. Click on Subscriber Tools
  1. Click on Suppress Subscribers
  1. Paste all the URL’s from step 2 into the Emails and Domains box in Figure 2

Figure 2 – Subscriber Tools window
  1. Then click on the green Suppress button

Note:  this will only prevent certain emails or domains (the ones added to Aweber from the CB Suppression List) from receiving broadcast messages.

I don’t own Get Response, so I don’t want to show you some regurgitated information I copied from the internet on how to Import the CB Suppression List into Get Response.  You should be able to obtain the latest procedure on how to do this from the Get Response help.


CB = ClickBank

Partner With Anthony Reviews

The following is a group of videos that review the Partner With Anthony Program.

Partner With Anthony - Build an Internet Business Review

Partner With Anthony Program Review

Download your FREE PWA Training Expansion Guide


Welcome to our Internet Marketing Education website.

We plan on covering Internet Marketing, IM, topics dealing with: the following

  • How to Make Money Online
  • Email Marketing
  • Email Autoresponders
  • Affiliate Marketing
  • Affiliate Networks
  • New IM Products / Software Review / Notifications
  • Updated IM Products / Software Review / Notifications
  • Internet Marketing Platforms
  • Internet Marketing Networks
  • Funnel Building Software
  • FREE Internet Marketing Products
  • Customer Relationship Management, CRM, Software
  • .More …